January 2013 Theta Data Photos
- Connie Clemmers and “Bugs” Vetville ’49
- Top-Down — Evan Roderick, Ned Myers and Jim ?
- Paul Koch, Song Leader, late ’40s
- Bottom Front: Dave Dove; L-R — Newhart, Anderson, Eicken, L-R Top — Roderick, Koch, Pete ?, ??? and Long
- Neds, Wedge, MacFarland and Long enter Fraternity Intramural Beta Cheerleaders ’49
- The Linderer’s dog, “Woogie”.
- The Cotner Family Joyce and Larry Linderer
- Dedication of the Beta House Marilyn Ellis ’61 and Barry Haas ’59
- Dedication Dinner guests
- Left to Right….. Barry Haas ’59, Ted Chaney ’53, George Hess ’67, Eric Eickhoff ’2000, Dick DeVos ’54 and Tom Tatham ’56
- W. Armstrong, circled, and sitting far right.
- T. George Hess’67 and wife, Paula
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