OWU Homecoming Weekend 2009 in early October was a special occasion for a number of brothers of Theta Chapter (along with several spouses) as they gathered in Delaware to recognize Brother Jim “Gins” Ginsburg ’66 who was being inducted into the Ohio Wesleyan Athletic Hall of Fame. It was the first time that most of the Betas from the graduation years ’65, ’66, ’67 and ’68 had seen each other since graduation some forty years earlier so there was much to catch up on as well as many good memories of 9 Williams Drive to share.
Brother Ginsburg was recognized by the University for his exploits on the lacrosse field. He was a four-year starter in the goal; had a career total of 766 saves with a .706 saves percentage; was captain and MVP in his senior year; was selected All-Midwest his sophomore, junior and senior years; and was selected to participate in the North-South All-Star game in his final year — one of the first OWU men’s lacrosse players to be so recognized. His teammates, some of who were Theta brothers (and almost all of whom were present for the ceremony), remember him as an inspirational leader and a fierce competitor who hated to lose. Besides the 12 Beta brothers who returned for the weekend, the group was joined by an equal number of lacrosse teammates from the 60’s who contributed to the celebration and the reminiscing.
Interestingly, this year’s inductees included three lacrosse players (two from the 90’s), two tennis players, a field hockey player, a baseball player and a gridder. A quick scan of prior year’s inductees reveals that the list, which commenced in 1961, includes other Theta brothers Ray Leech ’49, Don Wedge ’51, Al Long ’51, and Jim Kaminsky ’68. (There likely are others.)
The Betas returning this year traveled from all across the country. Where Gins grew up and lives today in the lacrosse hotbed of Baltimore, Maryland; brothers joining him traveled from California, Oregon, Colorado, Florida, South Carolina, Connecticut, Delaware, and of course Ohio. Highlights of the weekend were a Friday gathering at Hoggy’s (aka “The Brown Jug”); a pair of lacrosse scrimmages on the Saturday; the homecoming football game (which was a victory in the last minute over Oberlin); the induction reception and ceremony; and a Saturday evening dinner at a north Columbus restaurant.
One outcome of the weekend was a consensus that follow-up reunions for Betas from the 60’s were in order. The next one was planned for the SE United States sometime in the near future. All brothers from this era are encouraged to get in contact and plan to attend! For further information, contact Jim Ginsburg (Waterfordgroup@aol.com), Geoff Magrath (daufsc@aol.com) or Jon Richards joncrichards@verizon. net).

Front row from L to R: Tony Martin’66; Dick Slivka ’65; Chuck Underwood ’68; Herb Brannen ’65
Back row from L to R: Rich Amendola ’67; Robert Reed ’66; Geoff Magrath ’66; Jim Ginsburg ’66;
Jim Carpenter ’65; Martin Haskell ’68; Robert Bird ’66; Jon Richards ’66; Bill Rowland ’68
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