Featured News

Robert Stone Neff ’53, Roll #867

From Tom Tatham '56: Another sad announcement: … [Read More...]

OWU Christmas Concert December 14-16, 1952

OWU Christmas Concert December 14-16, 1952 … [Read More...]

Ltr Homer Clark Xmas Note to Rich Circa 1960s

Ltr Homer Clark Xmas Note to Rich Circa 1960s … [Read More...]

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Alumni News

1973 House Composite Photos

1951-1955 House Composite Photos & 51 Pledges are here. Please view and share with your friends!

DeVos-Beta Class ’54 Celebrating Fraternal 50s

From the personal archives of Dick DeVos '54 who passed away March 14, 2021 Click here to view

John Samuel Detrick, 85

December 29, 2020 Dear Columbus Academy Alumni, Faculty, Staff and Friends, Yesterday, we learned

Larry Linderer ’55 Photographs

Thank you Larry Linderer '55 for sharing your photos!

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January 2014 Theta Data Photos

January 2013 Theta Data Photos

1951-1955 House Composite Photos & 51 Pledges

1951-1955 House Composite Photos & 51 Pledges are here. Please view and share with your friends! Please click on the images to zoom in.


December 31, 2013 — Greetings to all Theta alumni of Beta Theta Pi — Please consider a dues contribution for 2014, and join the following loyal supporters of our House Corporation and its programs. Dues are payable to Theta House Corporation and mail to Martin Haskell, Treasurer, PO Box 43100, Cincinnati, OH 45243. A very […]

You’re The Girl Of A Beta’s Dreams

“You’re The Girl Of A Beta’s Dreams” lyrics are here. Please view, comment and share with your friends!

Personality Profiles

William Alfred Baldwin Roll #212

Early this year, I received an envelope containing a remarkable piece of Theta Chapter history – a beautiful Beta pin from 1882, pictures of (1) the owner wearing the pin in 1883, (2) the Theta Chapter in 1883 and (3) the pin owner’s handwritten diary from January 1, 1884 while on campus in Delaware, Ohio. […]

Charley L. “Johnny” Ecker ’56, Roll #928

By Dan Rich ‘55 Charley grew up along the banks of the Ohio River at Gallipolis. As GalliaAcademy high School. he was an outstanding football player and as he puts it. “tried to live life to the fullest!” When the time came to select a college, he was steered in the direction OWU by his […]

J. Clinton Miller ’54

Dear Tom, Thanks for your service to Theta Chapter as editor of Theta Data and for being Theta’s unofficial resident historian! Question: Will Theta ever return to OWU’s campus? (Editor’s Answer: To date there have been no significant efforts to re-colonize Theta Chapter. It would require significant alumni leadership supported with many man hours as […]

Robert Stone Neff ’53, Roll #867

By Tom Tatham ’56 Soon after pledging Beta Theta  Pi in the fall of 1952,1 met Bob Neff ‘53. Bob was a senior in a class of many outstanding young men who quickly caught my attention and became mentors and role models to we underclassmen. Along with Bob Neff, in the class ’53 were Bill […]

Richard “Dick” DeVos ’54, #892

Normally, alumni profiles are the result of personal interviews with the featured brother. On this occasion, with Dick four hours away from Dayton, and as an accommodation to the editor, an exception was made and Dick kindly agreed to submit “his story”, in his own words.   The Early Years My family moved in about […]

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