For those of us in school in the 50s, we have fond memories of our years at 54 W. Lincoln and on the OWU campus. Fortunately, a great deal of that history was captured on film by Paul Nobis ’55. It seems that Paul was always popping up around the corners of the house making sure that the 50s were retained for posterity on film. Recently, Paul’s wife, Anne Shirk Nobis ’55 (KAT) committed to scanning more than 263 pictures into her computer, burning onto a CD and sending to me. We are currently in the process of making them available for viewing on our Web Site
Anyone wishing to obtain a CD, please make a GENEROUS contribution to Theta Chapter House Corporation and send request to Tom Tatham, 1994 Suffolk Rd., Apt #1, Columbus, Ohio 43221. Included in these pictures are 5 albums of the following: 1. May 1953 100th Centennial Celebration of Theta Chapter on the OWU campus – 72 photos; • 2. 54 W. Lincoln Life in 1950s – 173 photos; • 3. Rupe Doan Party – 18 photos; • 4. Another Doan Party – 7 photos; • 5. Nobis New Year’s Eve Party – 13 photos.

A brothers’ pride in a new Pontiac. L to R: Eiken
’53, Metzel ’53, Rich ’55, Treis ’54. Center:
Nolan Smith ’54. Back row: Dove ’53, Simpson
’54, Haun ’55.
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