12 stops to failure

The Theta House CorParation strongly urges each alumnus and undergraduate to pause the following 12 point plan for organizational failure. Following this outline. the Theta House Corporation will ensure its early and untimely PathwaY toward medioerity.


1. Don’t attend meetings.

2. Be sure to leave before the meeting is over.

3. Next day, find fault with the officers and committees.

4. Take no part in the organization’s affairs.

5. Be sure to sit in the back, so you can talk to a friend.

6. Get all the Otganization will give you. but give nothing in return.

7. Never ask anyone to join the organization.

8. Talk cooperation. but never cooperate.

9. If asked to help on anything. always say you haven’t time.

10. Never accept an Office as it’s easier 10 criticize than to do things.

11. If appointed to a comittee, never give any time or service to the committee.

12. Never do anything more than you have to, and when others willingly and unselfishly use their ability to help the cause along. then howl because the organization IN run by a clique.

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