A Beta Serves Gauthier’s Needs – Warren Armstrong ’31, #558

Brother Warren C. Armstrong ‘31, chapter president in ’30-31, was a member of the OWU golf team for 3 years and the #1 man for 2 years. He was a three-letter man and considered one of the best amateur golfers in central Ohio. After graduation, he graduated from OSU law school and returned to his hometown to practice law. He was a life long resident of Upper  Arlington where he served on the City Council and was Mayor from 1958-64. The following Gauthier (OWU-AD) letter to brother Armstrong dated April 17, 1933, was provided by his daughter, Ann Armstrong Knodt, OWU-DG ‘61. This letter, along with other Beta/ OWU memorabilia saved by her father, was recently discovered by Ann and given to this  Editor. The original has been given to OWU for their archives.


W. Armstrong, circled, and sitting far right.

W. Armstrong, circled, and sitting far right.


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