An Alumni Mystery

The following comes from brother Chuck Ordway, ’48 and solicits your help in solving his life-long mystery. Here is his “plight”:

“My story follows: Back in 1948, this old fellow left in the furnace room at 54 W. Lincoln an Iver-Johnson bicycle. I’m sure many of you know what old bikes are worth today. Here’s my offer: if anyone took that bike from the basement, just perhaps it might be located. It was black and white, had balloon tires, a cycle-saddle, a basket, and a bell. It had yellow rims as well. I rode that bike between campuses when I washed dishes at Monnett for Douglas Mendenhall, the head cook at Monnett. I’ve often wondered what became of the bike and I’m offering $1,000 to the Theta House Corporation if this bike is located and returned to me. And I’ll pay any expenses involved. Guaranteed my check will be good. If this offer is of no interest to Theta, just forget it. If anyone other than a Beta returns it to me, they’ll get the money. I’d rather Theta get it of course!”

Yours in –KAI- Charles B. Ordway #698

A pig in a poke? Maybe, maybe not! Too, I’m hoping Theta will again be a chapter at Wesleyan.”

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