An Update from New House Corp President Dick Devos ’54

The active chapter, while overcoming some of the problems that caused sanctions by both the General Fraternity and OWU, still has a barrier to deal with in the person of their grade point average. They once more face rulings by Beta Theta Pi which might require additional reorganization efforts. After convention last summer the men had little choice but to direct their energies to making key changes. A “dry house” and “dry rush” brought concerns to the remaining actives that they would not be able to have successful rushes at all, but that has not been the case. Six men were initiated in April, 2000 and four more upperclassmen were initiated this past November. These men all joined Beta with the full knowledge of the status of the chapter and the responsible direction that Theta is moving toward the Men of Principle initiatives.

Believe me when I say that these are different times for the Greeks, not only at OWU, but elsewhere. It’s tempting for me and other alumni to say “when we were here, it was this way, etc.” The things that are the same at Theta however, are the high ideals of Beta Theta Pi and the brotherhood we all benefited from during our time at OWU. Alumni can offer a guiding hand but the current actives must direct the chapter and lead it on to success.

Universities like Ohio Wesleyan, who have Greek social fraternities (& sororities) face daily dilemmas about values these organizations provide. Other nationals besides Beta are adopting new guidelines and rules for their chapters which will strengthen the overall movement. Most of this is driven by “risk analysis” as well as moral consciousness.

OWU, as you know, owns the physical fraternity houses while the House Corporation operates the “inside the walls” of the house within university guidelines. There is current conflict between the Greeks and OWU concerning occupancy ratios inside each house. The university position is driven by needing more “beds” for students while the fraternity position is related to the individual Greek societies claim to fraternal privacy. This issue is currently being debated, but is not finding easy common ground as yet. More comment on this will follow spring initiation when the total count of Greek men is clear for 2001.

Those of us active in the House Corps continue to solicit both your moral support and input as well as your generous financial
help. I look forward to seeing each of you on campus in the future. Your comments would be welcome at any time at

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