Annual Alumni Dues

Annual alumni dues are the lifeblood our continued communications with all alumni brothers … and we have more than 8OO living alumni. Fortunately, through the generosity of brothers  who contributed in 1997-98, our average gift per contributed has increased from $51.95 to $67.86 … good news ….but     On the other side of the coin, the 111 who contributed was down from 129 the year before!  Needless to say, we need the support o al the alumni … no matter how large or small … year … to ensure our continued ability to “keep in touch.”

Recent history and current year contributions to date are shown below:

DOLLARS                          CONTRIBUTORS

Year            Total        %Increase       #Contributors    %Increase      Ave. Contributors

1990.91    $3245 –                         72  –                    –                      $45.07

1991.92     4,350         34.1                       95                     31.9                   45.79

1992-93     3,447       – 20.9                      84                      -11.6                  40.95

1993-94     3,947          14.7                     90                        7.1                    43.85

1994-95     4,081           3.4                     101                    12.2                     40.45

1995-96     5, 330           30.7                 118                     16.8                      45.17

1996-97     6,703            25.7                 129                     9.8                        51.95

1997-98     7,533           12,4                  111                   -16.2                      67.86

1998-99                                                     42                                                       67.50

*Three months only (through December 15,1998)

Remember ,our Theta  Deta  publication are dependent on these gifts time to make your gift as we the 1998-99 alumni support year.

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