Keith Eiken ’57

Keith Eiken, a life-long resident of Louisville, died February 3, 2023 at age 87. Born to parents who were educators, Keith relished knowledge and growth, and dedicated his career to public education for all. He was a retired administrator with the Jefferson County Public Schools and his career included teaching at the former Parkland Junior […]

Dr. William Plavcan, 87

Dr. William G. Plavcan, 87, a beloved physician of Hagerstown, Maryland, passed away April 19, 2021 at his home. Bill was born to Cathryn and Joseph Plavcan May 16, 1933 in Erie, Pennsylvania. After attending Ohio Wesleyan University, he earned an MD from Temple Medical School and went on to specialize in urology as a […]

Rowley, Ken Coit ’55 Theta Chapter Ohio Wesleyan University

Rowley, Ken Coit  ’55   Theta Chapter Ohio Wesleyan U   Ken was from Ravenswood, W.Va when coming to OWU and joining Theta Chapter of Beta Theta Pi.  He was one of several brothers in his class of ’55 who were outstanding students as they pursued studies in preparation of proceeding to a career in medicine. […]

A Tribute in Rememberence of Bob Marten, OWU ‘54

Theta Chapter, Beta Theta Pi It is with much sadness that Jan and I learned of the passing of brother Bob on October 7, 2021; A dear member of Beta Theta Pi, Theta Chapter, class of 1954 at Ohio Wesleyan U. My memories of Bob go to 1953 when I roomed with Bob and Hank […]

Theta Chapter Recruiting Handbook 1953-54

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Theta Chapter Centennial Celebration April 25-26, 1953

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Theta Chapter 85 & 90 Reunions

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The Surrey, a 40s-50s Pub Hangout

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Pete Halbin, ’56 A Life Well Served

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Sam P Pardoe, ’56 OWU Foundation

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