Theta Data – Summer 1954 Edition

Download Theta Data 1954 Summer

Theta Data -Summer 1953 Edition

Download Theta Data 1953 Summer News Letter

Theta Data – Spring 1953 Edition

Download Theta Data 1953 Spring

Annual Intrafraternity Song Fest April 17, 1953

Download Annual Intrafraternity Song Fest April 17, 1953

Theta Data – Autumn 1953 Edition

The Theta Data – Autumn 1953 Edition is now available!

Theta Data – 1947 Edition

Please click here to download the Theta Data – January 2016 Edition.

Theta Data – December 1930 Edition

Please click here to download the Theta Data – December 1930 Edition

The Theta Review – 1929 Edition

From Tom Tatham ’56: The attached is named The Theta Review, but it should be known as the forerunner to the Theta Data…. It is a great find and was given to me by the daughter of a 1931 brother from Theta…… I will probably place it in the OWU archives or the Oxford BTP […]

Athletic Year Book – Ohio Wesleyan University (1929-1930)

Tom Tatham ’56 just sent this over! Feel free to check it out! Please click on the image below:

The Theta Review – 1925 Edition

From Tom Tatham ’56:Attached you will find old Theta Reviews from 1924-25……they were the pre-runner to what was later known as Theta Data…… Harold was a Theta Beta ‘1925 and we have pictures of him visiting the Beta house at 54 W Lincoln during the 100th Centennial in 1953.  Reading these items you will understand what […]