1997-1998 House Composite Photos

1997-1998 House Composite Photos are here. Please view, comment and share with your friends!

OWU Theta Chapter Protest

OWU Theta Chapter Protest image

May 83 House Corp Letter

May 83 House Corp Letter

2001 General Office Notice of Closing

2001 General Office Notice of Closing document

2001 Chapter Closing

2001 Chapter Closing

2001 Chapter Closing-House Corp Letter

2001 Chapter Closing-House Corp Letter

1983 Chapter Suspended From OWU

1983 Chapter Suspended From OWU

Beta History Prepared by Gilbert W. Chapman III on 1982

1953-57 Pledge Class

[Photo Courtesy of Tom Tatham ’56]

1954-1955 House Composite Photos

1954-1955 House Composite Photos are here. Please view, comment and share with your friends! [Photo Courtesy of Tom Tatham ’56]