Robert M. Best, New comers town junior, was elected president of Inter fraternity Council for the spring semester, 1943. In Ter fraternity Council is composed of the presidents of each fraternity and Dean J. J. Somerville, DePauw, ’12, is faculty advisor.
His position as president of the council, also makes him a member of the Student Council.
Best has been active in chapter affairs ever since he was initiated. He has held the posts of social chairman, rush chairman, and treasurer. He was elected vice-president in the spthig of 1942, and assumed the presidency when Bill Hariah, ’43, did not return to school.
This past year he has proven himself an excellent leader, and has had the full cooperation of the entire chapter.
He was elected 1st vice-president and rush chairman in March, and, again as sumed the prexy’s chair, when Bob Brent-linger, ’44, was called into the army. Best is a member of the United States Marine Corps Resent.
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