In ordinary times the Betas put on starched-front shirts and bow ties three ,times a year and go dancing with their best girls at the Beta formals. This year, how ever, was not an ordinary year, and the Miami Triad had to be cancelled. The winter and spring were held as usual, along with the traditional Pledge Formal.
The Pledge Formal opened the season on October 30th. Since that night was Hal loween ,the decorations for the annual dinner-dance were in the witches and goblin mode. As in other years, the actives waited table, and after dinner there was dancing to the finest bands in the land, by record ing. Maurice Hollenbaugh was the social chairman.
On the Saturday night before Christmas vacation was the big event of the winter social season, the Winter Formal. In past, the dance has been held in one of the gyms around town. This year, it was held at the house. The decorations were based on indirect colored lighting, and was very effective. Music was furnished by Happy Heffner and his orchestra, from Columbus. Social chairman was Bob Crail.
The Miami Triad ordinarily is the next dance to be scheduled. After a meeting of the social chairmen of the Betas, the Phi Delts, and the Sigma Chis, it was decided that, due to war conditions and the diffi culties and expense of securing a band, it would be best not to hold the Triad this year.
The Spring Formal was held at St. -Miffs gym with the Alpha Tau Omegas, and the Chi Phis. Music was by Larry Stemler, and the decorations were very simple and again based on the lighting effects. The social chairman was Don
Slen ker.
This year the chapter found that it was not necessary to have elaborated decorations to have a good formal, and at the same time cooperated in the conservation of materials and saved money. Yet the formals were as enjoyable as any of those held in past years.
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