Beta Memorial

September 23 °fever( year marks a special tradition oldie Theta chapter. All of the Theta Betas walk over to the front of Grey Chapel where a memorial stands in tribute to two fallen brothers, On the same date in 1988 on their way back to OWU after a seminar at Oberlin CAllege„ John Kennard ler Eddy and William Frederick Kmener TV, brothers of the Theta chapter and politics and 110VCIIIII/CIII majors, were killed by a drunk driver. Each year on the anniversary of their death, we have gone to the memorial to honor their memory. The ceremony eoltsists of brief speeches and a rendition of “Beta Doxology” and serves as a reminder that our time together as brothers is not guaranteed; it ShOLI id be cherished and lived to the fullest Wand William will be remembered as great Theta Betas; their memory will live on with us forever.

Beta Memorial

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