Board of Trustees Dr. W. Martin Haskell Ohio Wesleyan ’68

GenerAl FrAternity report
By Dr W. Martin Haskell

The Upon These Principles Campaign has ended with a final tally of $20,000,000 as previously reported. Money continues to come into the Administrative Office, as a portion is in the form of deferred pledges and another portion will not be realized until estates are settled. Currently, the endowment investment balance is about $9,000,000 as our investment portfolio has been hit by this adverse economy like everyone else. Total assets of the Fraternity and Foundation stand at $14,500,000. Currently, the general fraternity board is re-structuring its governance structure and procedures to bring itself in line with best practices in governance. This will enable it to more effectively manage the challenges of the current financial climate while delivering the high caliber leadership programming that our undergraduates so richly deserve and seek with enthusiasm.

Twelve years ago, the general fraternity provided a leadership training experience to seven Betas. This past academic year we provided 1605 of these experiences to Betas. With a current membership of 6390, that means we have the capacity to provide at least one leadership development experience to every Beta over a fouryear college career. This success is due primarily to the endowments provided by the Upon These Principles Campaign and the all important Beta Leadership Fund annual drive. And, of course, the excellent staff we have built at our administrative office that designs and delivers these programs. Another testament to our success is that our programming continues to win awards and interfraternal recognition for programming excellence. Please remember the Beta Theta Pi Foundation with a planned gift in your wills and annually with a contribution to the Beta Leadership Fund.

Yours in ~kai~ Marty Haskell
Theta Alumni Association Treasurer,
VP Beta Theta Pi General Fraternity

Marty Haskell ’68

Marty Haskell ’68

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