DR. ROBERT W. KLEEMEIER, ’38, is doing a most interesting and valuable work as Director of the Moose haven Research Laboratory at Orange Park, Fla., and Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Florida. Moose haven is a model community or elderly people; it is owned and operated by the Loyal Order of Moose. Through extensive tests and interviews, and by close observation of these old people in their daily lives, important contributions to the study of gerontology are being made. As many with adjustment problems, much neurotic behavior, and even frank psychoses are encountered in this community of 350 people (ranging in age from the early sixties to late nineties with average age of 77). Brother Kleemeier (M. A. and Ph, D., University of Michigan) has worked with the mental health movement on both the state and national level, has been president of the State Mental Health Association and during his term of office was able to get legislation passed setting up the most extensive mental health program ever attempted in Florida.
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