By Erik Baudendistel ’96
The weekend of February 4-6, brothers Fedorko ’95, Hinkle ’95, Baudensdistel ’96 and Owen ’96 attended the 1994 North Central Leadership Workshop at the William Penn hostel in Pittsburgh. The weekend was filled with speakers and activities covering everything from rush to risk management. We brought many excellent ideas on chapter growth and improvement back from the weekend. Some of the best ideas came from interaction with the other chapters as we discussed what things worked best and how to improve upon those things with which we were having trouble. The highlight of the weekend was, by far, the model initiation ceremony in which the brothers of the Gamma Iota Chapter brought 17 men into their family. Immediately following the initiation was a fascinating Beta 101 given by Steve Becker, Florida ’69. The weekend was, without question, a great success as we gained valuable information on how to run the chapter much more effectively and to grow not only in numbers but in strength as well.
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