Chapter President’s Report

A very successful convention this summer provided a lot of momentum for Theta chapter. Lee Szambecki ’99, Matt Doman ’00 and I made the trip to D.C. for the 158th convention, where we accepted both the Virginia Tech Award (outstanding academic achievement) and the Campus Involvement Award, We were pleased and flattered by the number of comments we received from members of other chapters and Beta representatives during the weekend that reflected the posi­tive and strong reputation our chapter has established in recent years.

Those comments are echoed by many of our own alumni, who demonstrated their high regard with tremendous support at our mast recent House Corporation meeting. Major steps were taken in terms of house improvement and kitchen management Funds were allocated for new dining room furniture, we received a pledge to redo the stairwells, and investments in both the living room and landscaping will be made The meeting was well-attended by the undergraduates indicating an increased interest in understanding the often complicated specifics Of house management, which previously were left to the House Corporation and a few in the house. A very understandable and helpful breakdown of spending was presented by Bill Rowland ’68, who answered a lot quesions we have held for some time. Marty Haskell ’68 and Bob Wyant ’50 were also eager to understand the problems we face with rush as the rules currently exist and did all they could to put us in IS good a position as we could hope for financially. Lastly, we are excited to have recent. graduates Eric Baudenistel ’96 and Levi Levingston ’96 on the board and hope to see others involved.

By the time the next Theta Data is published, many of names that have been commonplace on its pages in the past few years will have changed. The chapter will undergo a significant transition as many of the house’s leaders for the past three years will turn over their positions to the juniors and sophomores. We ( hope) believe that they will face the challenges ahead with the same drive and spirit that has brought Beta back to the esteemed position we hold today.

This will be an exciting time for the chapter, but I could not finish my last report without expressing some concern for the future. While the house seems to be stronger overall than at any time since its return a decade ago, there is a disturbing sense of complacency that has many of the older brothers concerned, Some cynicism has replaced enthusiasm in terms of rush and sacrifices for the good of the house are becoming less common. There have been numerous efforts to demonstrate the importance of hard work just to tread water, but somehow this has been lost on some undergraduates who were attracted to the strength of Theta  without  realizing what it takes to To maintain it.

Apledge class of three or four springs ago crippled this house and it is only now what so many brothers envisioned and alumni demanded. It is of chief importance that the drive that consumed this chapter just a short time ago he recaptured and that the efforts of undergrads and alumni both are not lost.

Chapter Presidents Report


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