Charles B. Ordway ’48

Charles B. Ordway ’48 — Many thanks for Theta Data. Am always very glad to have a word from the brothers, in spite of the fact that I know few of them. Please forgive my poor typing. Unfortunately, I’m not gifted with a secretary as are some of you perhaps. Glad to see Hugh’s picture and that of his good wife. Their marriage was made in heaven. As was Hal Leulette’s before his passing. A good brother to be sure. I was surprised at the surprise guest, Pack McFarland, another fine brother. We’ve corresponded over the years since leaving OWU. I believe I sent the chapter Fred Olds’ address but I’ll include it here to be sure: Fred Olds, 3751 Connie Lane, Guthrie, Oklahoma, 73034. He runs his own art shop. He was a fine artist when I lived at 54 W. Lincoln. The purpose of this note is twofold: First to let you know I’m as well as can be expected after a stoke 5 years ago. And I am grateful, because it might have been so much worse Secondly,
I’m making an offer to Theta alumni. [See story on page 2.]

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