Class of ’54 Golden Reunion Plans

May 13-16, 2004 marks the Golden Anniversary for the OWU graduation class of 1954. Paul “Kissy” and Ann Grinton Kisseberth were selected by their class as co-chairs. They have been working hard to encourage all to return and are putting additional push for the best Beta class turnout. To date, Kissy says he knows at least 12 of his class are planning to return. He says that is not good enough because he knows the Phi Gams and Delts are determined to have a better return than the Betas for the first time of any of our reunions. The University is designating Saturday, 2-4 PM as the official time for fraternities and sororities to meet (together) separately. Kissy is certain there will be more info on this from OWU before the gathering in Delaware. He points out that the Golden Key Class members are guests of the University and a great celebration is in store for all attendees! Be sure and make your reservations and housing
arrangements soon. Questions? Contact Paul Kisseberth at

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