by King Anderson, Philanthropy Chairman
Philanthropy is an integral part of any successful Greek organization Making an active effort to promote human welfare in society and providing aid for the needy gives one a feeling of Self-worth and provides an opportunity for house unity. For the small amount of time one can spend doing community service, many people benefit a great deal. As philanthropist, it is my job to contact an agency or persons In need of volunteer work to be done and merge this need with the desires and availability of the brothers.
In the past, Beta has benefited a great deal from community service opportunities. Last fall we worked to restore the DelawareCulturalArtsCenter in town we met many nice people and had the chance to be a part of an extremely successful and permanent center for community involvement we did everything from raking leaves and moving furniture to serving food to the needy at a Christmas party. To make someone’s day by giving a little food or even a little smile gives you a warm feeling inside. A more worldly benefit was being able to hold our last two winter formals at this beautiful dwelling.
On an annual basis, we have manned the red kettles for the Salvation Army in front of the local retail stores throughout the city to solicit funds for the needy of Delaware County. Ringing the bells for a few hours in December is definitely a worthwhile project that will be around for years to come. This past fall, the brothers helped in distributing emergency food to residents through People In Need. Inc. (P.I.N.). Another protect with P.I.N. is their Christmas Clearing House – to ensure that each child in DelawareCounty has Christmas grits under the tree. The house has also helped by distributing literature (posters and flyers) for the Delaware Housing Coalition, Delaware Metro-Parks, the Association for Retarded Citizens and Delaware Area Recovery Resources.
Many future projects are on line for second semester, when the pledges also get the opportunity to participate. This is an excellent chance for pledge unity and also for the pledges to gel to know the brothers better. For example, several possibilities are open for projects with the Central Ohio Chapter of the National Arthritis Foundation in Columbus. Whether it be raising money to donate for a needy cause or doing work around town, Beta has and always will be cut there doing our part to help provide goodwill to fellow men.
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