Dave Watt ’59

Dave Watt ’59 — Thanks for the update, Tom. Very sad about Don (Jefferis). It’s hard to envision a brother who was so vibrant and energetic in the past to be in such bad health. You described it to me back in June, but I didn’t realize he had gone through so much for so long. 2002 was a busy year for the Watt family with 2 weddings. My oldest daughter, Melinda, was married to Michael Langley on August 24th at the Metropolitan Museum of Art where they met. On June 1, my son Andrew married Sarah Cotsen at a lovely setting on the shores of Lake Sabago, Maine. They reside in NY City where Drew is with American Mgmt. Systems and Sarah is with HBO. They are expecting a baby girl (our 1st grandchild) in May which will make 2003 a very eventful year. My youngest daughter Meredith has remained in Boston after completing her MSW at Boston College and has continued in the field of Social Work. I continue to work as a Network Solution consultant for a small firm in Kalamazoo, Michigan. My wife, Karen, is with Pharmacia, soon to be purchased by Pfizer. That will add to the excitement for this year. I thoroughly enjoyed attending the Fraternal 50’s gathering in June ’02, and appreciate being invited by the brothers who were my first contacts at 54 W. Lincoln in ’55. My Fraternal 50s will be in 2006. I have been blessed with good health through the years and am doing my best to keep it that way.

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