Dave Weisman ’57

Dave Weisman ’57 — [Upon hearing of Chuck Glander’s death, Dave sent the following.] We spent Ohio State weekend with them (the Glanders) two years ago and Chuck and I went to the President’s Club luncheon before the game, as we have in prior alternate years and had a good time. Edie (who was sick at the time) and Chuck and Sue watched the game on TV but I of course was in the horseshoe.
Our address now is 11781 Old Oak Drive, Granger, IN 46530. The home phone is (574) 277-3559 and the office is (574) 254-
1151. We built a new home (our first “build”) two years ago and it was a pleasant experience. It was our first move in 30 years. I
remain in active law practice and my primary R&R is Michigan football games (having missed seven regular season games in
the last 27 years with plans to attend all 11 this year). You (Tom Tatham) have indicated in the past that you attend the USC games in S.B., but I always am at a game that same weekend. We might check the schedule for next year and if SC is here on a “home” Michigan
date, we could meet with you on Friday night or maybe late Saturday evening or Sunday (plenty of time before then to make plans). The reunions at OWU conflict in the fall with football games and a couple of springtime events in recent years have conflicted with Scottish Rite Reunions (in which I spend a considerable amount of time on stage during a weekend). I will write again later but wanted
to get some preliminary info to you and this was a good time for a “break in the schedule.” Thanks for providing Bob Neff’s address. We have corresponded and I look forward to getting together with him this fall, either in the Dayton or the South Bend hospitality room. Dave dbw294@msn.com

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