Editor’s 2008 Travels and Visits with Brothers

This past year, 2008, has been a year of great change for most all of us, and for this brother in particular. Following the loss of my wife Ann in 2007, the 2008 year began with a January-March vacation trip to Florida. While there, one afternoon was spent with Don Wedge ’49, now retired from his 25 year “official” NFL career. Don is enjoying the sunshine while living at 8933 Courtyard Lane, Groveland, FL 34736 and can be reached by e-mail at dwedge@embargmail.com or phone 352-394-0147. A complete summary of my interview with Don is located on the Internet at thetachapterbtp.org, then go to News, Theta Data and then the February 2008 Issue of Theta Data.

In April my travels took me to Maryland and a history tour with my daughter following the escape trail of John Wilkes Booth, Lincoln’s assassin. While on the east coast, we crossed the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and met W. Dan “Deacon” Rich ’55 in St. Michaels, Maryland for dinner and a great visit. Dan is now a “busy” retired minister and lives with his wife Lee at 504 Douglas Rd., Salisbury, MD 21801. He can be reached at wdanrich@yahoo.com or phone 443-735-3292. Following his full-time retirement from the ministry, Dan has worked for several years in counseling work through the church and state of Delaware.

July found another significant change in my life with marriage to Jan Ellis Jefferis ’57. My OWU roommate, Don Jefferis, who passed away in 2004, was married to Jan, who, strange as it may sound, was my wife’s OWU roommate. Our families had been close for years, with common travels, holidays and vacations, so the transition was very easy. Al Vlerebome ’55 and his wife Marty Rhinehart Vlerebome ’57, joined us as witness to our marriage as the wedding took place in Hocking Hills, OH … Marty packed a picnic lunch and we enjoyed the day in the State Park and caves of Hocking Hills … only a few miles from the Vlerebome’s new home at 1553 Stone Glen Dr., Lancaster, OH 43190. They can also be reached at almar57@greenapple.com and phone 740-653-0988. Al is retired from his “recent brokerage and earlier golf professional work,” and Marty recently retired from teaching in the Lancaster public schools.

Late July, Jan and I were off for the east coast and made sure that our trip took us through Stamford, CT and a visit with Paul and Annie Grinton Kisseberth ’54. They were most congenial hosts, and following a few “refreshments” at their home, we were off to one of Paul’s favorite Italian restaurants. The menu was outstanding and the ambiance perfect for several hours of conversations with Paul’s reminiscences of OWU. His stories kept us laughing all evening. In his retirement, they currently live at 39 Happy Hill Rd., Stamford, CT, 06903 and can be reached at kissy1@juno.com or phone 203-329-2337.

The next morning our drive took us to Mystic, CT and brunch at the home of Dave ’59 and Karen Watt. They live in a beautiful old New England home which they have been renovating for several years. I was particularly intrigued by the massive original wood beam ceilings which they uncovered by removing plaster ceilings throughout their first floor. Dave is retired and along with his wife Karen live at 1291 River Rd., Mystic, CT, 06355 and can be reached at dwatt99@comcast.net and phone 860-536-4183.

We departed that afternoon, having satisfied our appetites, and headed for Boston where I was joining the Dayton Letter Carrier’s band to perform for a week at the US Postal Letter Carrier convention. En route, we called Nolan Smith ’54 who lives at 229 Bishop St., New Haven, CT, 06511 where he owns and manages a classic books store. His e-mail is nolan.smith@amworlds.net and his phone is 203-776-3558. We also had a phone visit with Mike Schwartz ’54 who is retired from his radio “empire” and can be reached at Bristolmm@aol.com. Unfortunately, our calendars didn’t permit visits, but they will be in our planning for the next trip in that part of the world.

Boston proved most interesting and included playing for Hillary Clinton, one of the speakers at the convention. Following the week in Boston, Jan (who had been visiting her son and family in Rockport, Maine) picked me up and we were off where our first stop was Bar Harbor, Maine and an evening on the ocean. The next day included a visit to the Acadia National Park which was created and supported by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. and his family. What a magnificent legacy for us as the park has protected some of the most interesting landscape left from the great glaciers of the past.

Leaving the park we passed Kennebunkport and a view of George’s vacation home. We even caught a glimpse and photographed George Bush, Sr. taking a boat ride just off the shore of his home … and of course the boat was loaded with what must have been secret service men as well. From our distance, we couldn’t make out each one, but we were told by an artist painting the scene that it was George and friends.

Up the Maine coast we spent an evening with OWU classmate, Jean Love Beckley ’56. Jean lives about one hour south of Campobello, Canada and her home is right on the coast in the small Maine town of Millbridge. She busies herself with local art programs following her career as a librarian.

The next day we left for our Maine summer vacation at Jan’s daughter’s cottage on Lake St. George … a large, fresh water lake about 30 miles west of Camden. Our month’s stay included a lot of time on the water, visiting local restaurants, eating lobster and enjoying the beauty of Maine.

The month was highlighted by a visit for several days by my OWU classmate and roommate and his wife … OJ Stephens ’56 and Carol. They live at Rt. #1, Box 885, 5 River Rd., Newfane, VT, 05345. OJ gave Jan a hand “rigging” a sailboat, and we spent much of the time boating on the lake, taking a sail in the Penobscot Bay on a Friendship Sloop, and enjoying the “old stories” from our days at OWU. Their e-mail is ojsiii@hotmail.com; phone is (802) 365-7674.

A one day side-trip took us to Naples, Maine and a visit with Jim Meredith ’54 and his wife Jan. They have a water front home at Long Lake where they have been vacationing for 25 years as a get-a-way from the humidity of their home in Lima. Jim is retired from his legal practice and Jan is a grandmother “extraordinaire”. Their address is 5B Mews Rd., Lima, OH 45805 and they can be reached by e-mail at JEMERED@wcoil.com or phone 419-991-3252.

After a wonderful month in Maine, we moved on for a visit with Jim Davies ’56 and his wife Jean. Their home is at 64 Chestnut St., Murray Hill, NJ 07974. Our visit, however, was at their summer home near Riverton, CT. Their cottage has been in Jim’s family for many years and is the scene of his boyhood summers. There, they vacation with family and friends often. Jim is “semi” retired from his insurance firm, which is now the responsibility of his sons and daughter. Jean has spent her years helping Jim at the office as well. Our two nights were highlighted by a day trip to enjoy a concert by the Boston Symphony in the open air theater at Tanglewood, MA, a once in a lifetime thrill. The one-hour drive was through the lovely countryside of hills and valleys of the Berkshire Mountains. Their e-mail is jdavies@davies-assoc.com phone (908) 464-8548.

The fall found us back in Ohio, at Jan’s condo in Columbus most of the time, but also in Dayton where I still have a home. While there, we often share lunch or dinner visits with other OWU friends. Maribeth ’55 and Ben Graham ’51 are often our hosts either in Dayton or at special events in Delaware, OH.

Maribeth is still quite active as a long-time trustee at OWU and has family there as well. Ben is NOT retired, but continues his consulting work with much traveling both in and out of the USA. Their home is at 2080 W. Alex-Bell Rd., Dayton, OH 45459. E-mail is maeg434@aol.com and phone 937-434-7414.

The fall also found a wonderful visit at our Dayton, OH residence, with Bob Cotner ’54, and his wife Alsa King Cotner ’56. They were visiting Dayton for an Air Force reunion with Bob’s old pilot buddies. While in Dayton, they spent a few days with Jan and me and the Grahams. Their visit was highlighted with a lunch with their granddaughter, Katie who is a freshman at the U. of Dayton.

Dan Wright ’56 and his wife Sarah are usually on my visiting calendar about once a month. They live in Eaton, OH 45320 at 120 Sugar Hill Dr. Dan’s e-mail is dwight770@aol.com and phone 937-456-7321. Dan is retired from a very successful grocery business in both Eaton and Union City, OH … he and Sarah travel and enjoy the grandchildren, two of whom live in Eaton as well.

Grandson Paul, the youngest, captures most of Dan’s spare time following him around golf course tournaments and playing guard on the local high school team. Like most of us, Dan is glued to his computer and the markets, and has his fingers crossed for a better 2009 on Wall Street.

A recent Sunday afternoon, was spent in Cincinnati with Sue Logan Doan ’57 and Paul and Anne Shirk Nobis ’55. Sue still enjoys her life in Cincinnati with her flowers, garden and church. Paul and Annie, now retired, still live at the same address … 876 Graystone, New Richmond, OH 45157… overlooking the Ohio River. Both now retired, Annie recently from her teaching career. They spend their time with family (Anne’s mother is still living) and friends and taking care of their beautiful property on the Ohio River.

Bob Neff ’53 is another one of our Daytonians who I frequently see. Bob has been retired now for several years … from his Neff Folding Box Company … and now spends time with his wife Peggy vacationing on ski trips and devoting much of his time to local charitable organizations which he has been involved with for years. Their home is at 4466 Blairgowrie Circle, Dayton, OH 45429. His e-mail is robertneff@earthlink.com and his phone is 937-298-3630.

Bob Neff ’53

Bob Neff ’53


Dan Rich ’55

Dan Rich ’55


Don Wedge ’49

Don Wedge ’49


Bob Cotner ’54 and his wife  Alsa King Cotner ’56

Bob Cotner ’54 and his wife
Alsa King Cotner ’56


Paul and Anne Shirk Nobis ’55  and Sue Logan Doan ’57

Paul and Anne Shirk Nobis ’55
and Sue Logan Doan ’57


Al ’55 and Marty Vlerebome ’57, and Jan ’57 taken at Hocking Hills State Park, July 2008

Al ’55 and Marty Vlerebome ’57, and Jan ’57
taken at Hocking Hills State Park, July 2008


Annie Grinton and Paul Kisseberth ’54

Annie Grinton and Paul Kisseberth ’54


Jan Tatham ’57 with Dave ’59 and  Karen Watt

Jan Tatham ’57 with Dave ’59 and
Karen Watt


Nolan Smith ’54  with trombone  playing at his 50th  reunion.

Nolan Smith ’54
with trombone
playing at his 50th


G. W. Bush, Sr. boating  at Kennebunkport

G. W. Bush, Sr. boating
at Kennebunkport


Jim Meredith ’54  and his wife Jan

Jim Meredith ’54
and his wife Jan


Jim ’56 with his wife  Jean Davies

Jim ’56 with his wife
Jean Davies


Ben ’51 and Maribeth Graham ’55

Ben ’51 and Maribeth Graham ’55


Jean Love Beckley ’56

Jean Love Beckley ’56

Jim Davies ’56

Jim Davies ’56

OJ Stephens ’56

OJ Stephens ’56

Tom Tatham ’56

Tom Tatham ’56



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