Winter initiafon was held on Sunday, January 3, 1943, for thirteen men of the Beta Theta Pi. Initiation was held early in accordance with the accelerated program of the university, and also because of the uncertaincy of the length of time that the brothers would be in school.
“Work Week”, modern counterpart of “Hell Week”, began on New Year’s Day and ran thru Saturday night. Among the projects accomplished were the washing and repainting of the kitchen, the painting of several of the upstairs rooms, and the waxing of the woodwork.
Alumni attendance at initiation was very small due to war conditions, however, the chapter worked harder than usual to present the best initiation in past years.
An unusual occurence took place at that initiation, one of those things which happen once in a lifetime. Dr. Chester A Hansen,of Newcomerstown, was initiated with his son, Chester, Jr., a member of the freshman class. Dr. Hanson was a member of the local at North Dakota at the time it petitioned for a chapter of Beta Theta Pi. He graduated before the petition was granted, however, and he had never gone back to be initiated.
When Chet was pledged, Dr. Hanson asked if he could be initiated, too, and 30 permission was granted by the Board of Trustees. Dr. Hanson was entered on the roll of the North Dakota Chapter.
The entire pledge class wanninaccz.:•January 3rd, except Max Smith, who was depledged, Torn Orr, who requested not to be initiated until after the war, and Dick Johnson, who was initiated on November 27th, before his induction into the army.
Spring Initiation was held May 13th for four of the mid-year pledge class. All were initiated but Victor Medley, who was de-pledged.
This made a total of eighteen men initiated in Theta Chapter in 1942-43.
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