
The Beta house at Ohio Wesleyan University had, within the past month, their elections for the offices to be filled for this Spring term and fall and winter of the next academic year.

Lee Silvas, a sophomore, good organizer and intelligent leader, was voted in for the position of president. Backing up Lee during his term in office is Thomas Albrecht who had formerly filied the positon of social chairman. Tom takes a real interest and concern for the house and will surely be a great asset to Lee’s administration. Filling Tom’s old position as social chairman is Ron Lee a junior and excellent critic of rock groups. David McCreade will be handling the money for the house as Treasurer but will not be able to fulfill his obligation of a full year of service due to his decision to study overseas starting in the Fall. The house, as of this time, has not elected a replacement for Dave for this coming Fall andWinter terms. The pledges of next year’s class will be greeted in the Fall by the new co-rush chairmen  Brian Welsh and James Ries. Brian is a sophomore so he has some experience with getting perspective pledgesup to the house. Jim is just an all around nice guy and will make a very good first impression for the house.

With the arrival of these new officers in the Beta house, the tradition left by Richard Pope and Randolf Houlas of superb organization and leadership will surely be upheld.

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