Fiesta Bowl Alumni News

On a recent visit to the Fiesta Bowl [and the Bucks won again], the editor had the pleasure of dinner and an evening visit with
Pat (James) and Dee Simpson ’54 at their retirement home in Tucson. They send their best and look forward to their 50th reunion this
year. Dee’s email is Following Tucson, a 2 night stay in Las Vegas with Bob Corey ’54 and lunch with Jack Mathews ’54 and son JJ were among the trips highlights.

Corey and Mathews look great and are doing fine. Corey has no computer, but Mathews [spurred on by his son JJ] now has a digital
camera and computer, and can be reached on email at

Fiesta Bowl  Alumni News
Pat and D. Simpson ’54

Fiesta Bowl  Alumni News_1
(left to right) – Bob “Oaf” Corey ’54,
Jack “Cousin” Mathews ’54 and son JJ


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