Freeman Steals Scenes In Play

A short little fellow with a heavy beard and gold-rimmed specs wandered into the Beta House during rush week of 1941. He said hs was from River Forest. Illinois, and had been pledged that summer by one of the boys. Not wishing to doubt his word, the Betas took him in and nicknamed him “Brains” because he looked like a brain. This little fellow has made a great name for himself and the fraternity in the two years since then. His name is William “Bill” Freeman.

Bill immediately got into the swing of things. He joined the Y.M.C.A., got into Freshman Players, became interested in Radio  Workshop, was a member of Freshman Bible Club, went out for swimming team, and also did a little studying on the side.

His freshman year, Freeman was in several studio plays, wrote, produced, and directed several radio plays, and had sev
eral assignments on crews and roles in the major plays. His best role, and also the biggest, of that year was as the Fool in the annual Shakespearian production, “King Lear”. His interpretation of that role won the praises of all the critics, and his shiver ing in the “heath scene” even made the audience cold.

This year, Bill has risen to greater heights in both radio and dramatics. His major roles this year were Mr. De Pinna in “You Can’t Take It With You”, and as Peter in “Romeo and Juliet”, the Shake  spearian Festival production. Besides that, Bill has been in many studio plays, and was head of lights crew for “Mr. Pim Passes By”.

His portrayal of his roles are both convincing and amusing. He has the talent to take the comic roles and add new flavor to the lines by his movements and expres  sions. His actions always seem to steal the scene from the principals. He swears that he does it unconsciously, but his victims say it is premeditated.

His work in Radio Workshop has also increased. He has written several more radio plays, best of which was “The Shadow
Across the World”, which was broadcast over WMRN, Marion, on Mother’s Day. .Bill has also announced several of the pro
grams, and usually had a part in every Sunday afternoon Tower Studio presentation.

Besides his work in dramatics and Radio ‘Workshop, Freeman is executive secretary of the university Y.M.C.A., and has worked hard and faithfully for that organization.

For his excellent work in dramatics, Bill was made a member of Wesleyan Players, and was just recently elected to Theta Alpha Phi, national dramatics honorary. Around the house, he has been a hard worker. He is always willing to do anything that is asked of him, and never knows when to say “no”. He has served as corre-sponding secretary and assistant treasurer.

In spite of his small stature, “Little Ceasar” is more active than any other man in the house. He is a hard worker, and a loyal Beta. He is a member of the Army Enlistzd Reserve Corps.



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