George Eorle’s Commentory

George L. Earle, Jr. ’36, division manager for Earle Rentals, is affiliated with the Rotary Club, the Newcomer Society in North America, the Hi-Twelve Club and the Traverse City Shrine Club. “Kunnock” writes, “Upon graduating from OWU, I took up residence and work in Oakland, Maine in a family owned company. I left Maine because of sickness in 1967 to live first in East Grand Rapids, Mich. and then came north in 1968. Too much strength and mind were used up in business and community service while in Maine and I had to slow down.

“I hear regularly from Bill Pickering ’34 and John Mitchell ’36. While I was in Phoenix, Arizona two years ago, I tried to contact Jack Carter. However, the number that was in the 1974 Membership Directory was discontinued and I just don’t know where he may have gone. Upon returning from the far west, we stopped by to see Bob Beckett ’39. He was my roommate in 1935. It was our first personal visit since 1939. Last year I picked up the Detroit Free Press and read that Bill Metzel ’53 and his three children were burned to death in a fire at his home in Rochester, Mich. His wife survived. “On a trip east, we stopped by in Canton, Ohio to try to find Howard Wiant ’35. He is a methodist minister in that community. We could only get as far as talking to his secretary on the telephone. I have also wondered what may have happened to Victor Weller’36 who lived in the Delaware, Ohio region. I’ve lost contact with Ken
Lockwocd ’36 and Don Wright also. “I had a nice visit with Burt Elder ’33 a couple of years ago. Burt was my ‘big brother’ while I was a freshman and I have always held him in high esteem. The last time that we had seen one another was when he visitedme in Maine dwing the early sixties.

“As for my personal life, we are very proud of our daughter, Mayrene, who graduated from Northeastern University in 1974. Her first teaching job with a BS degree in PE was at Wellesley College. Her borther, George Ill, is ten years older than Mayrene and shares the same birth date. He is an engineer with Faye, Spofford and Thorndike in Boston. So our two children are ‘downeasters’ and we are fortunate in being able to visit them at least twice a year.

“I believe that Dick Kinney ’34 will confirm that I gave myself to our fraternity while I was in school. I wanted to bring the group together. Those days will always be the most remembered because I didn’t have the worries connected with working. I had much free time to enjoy frater­nity life. Dick Kinney was a member of the same high school fraternity that l belonged to.

“College life has changed. We, of the older generation, are not too well accepted by the present group. This is not unkind thinking, but just a reflection of the change in times. Yet, I cannot forget the days when I knew Francis Shepardson, Bill Dawson and Bob LaFollete of Wisconsin who came to OWU and our fraternity house at 54 West Lincoln for a visit with the younger generation. And who can forget that deep voice of Senator Borah?

“I still carry on many friendships that started out in my boyhood and continued through OWU. I had many friends and have kept in touch with them as best I could with my available time. My life has been wonderful because of this. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” George and his wife, Eva, can be reached at 2202 Munson at Avenue B, Traverse City, Mich.

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