One of the most loyal supporters of Theta Chapter is Mrs. Gertrude Heinlen, who was the cook at the Beta House for over four years. One of the reasons for Mrs. Hein len’s enthusiastic support is her son, John, who was a member of the chapter in the class of ’37.
She was affectionately known to the boys as “Gert”, and her jolly personality made the kitchen the brightest spot in the house. As the army continued to call the boys out of school, it became apparent that a combination of fraternities for eating purposes would be necessary, or else close the kitchens, and so the Betas combined with the A.T,O.s and the Chi Phis. Gert left us in March, after many years of loyal service. It was with deep regret that the boys saw her go, and they wish her the best of luck in her new position.
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