Getting The House Together

The Beta House at Ohio Wesleyan University, while under the administration of Lee Silvas received new carpeting and a new image via the Pledge Class of 1928.

The issue concerning the new carpet to be distributed amongst the living room, second and third floors, was voted upon by the brothers on the twenty-sixth day of January, 1975. Thecolor of the carpet was discussed at length and the decision to install a red carpet on the second and third floors was discussed, voted upon and passed. The carpet arrived the fourth week of spring term. It was installed just recently and makes the house look fantastic.

The Pledge Class of t9Z8 recenily planted shrubs around the property of the Beta House. Roughly thirty shrubs of many varieties were planted and helped to ring in the long awaited and anxious feeling of spring. On Sunday of April 27, the pledges arrived on the grounds of the Beta House with picks and shovels, ready for action. They dug till they sweat, and they sweat till they were exhausted. “The job was finally finished and the outcome of the Pledges effort was apparant when they stepped back to see what they had done. Their reward was the beautiful feeling of brotherhood and togetherness.

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