“Ginger” & Dick McClintock ’53

Hi, Tom!
How are you all doing? Have you had mountains of snow? TV photos look horrible! How glad we are to have moved south! Our daughter and her husband still have more than a foot of snow on their back deck in suburban Richmond, VA. Our three nieces, all in the Raleigh area from Vermont, and similarly happy to have moved south.

I grew up in Arlington, VA, just across the river from D.C., and the photos from there bring back such memories. When we moved there in 1938 – I was 6 – we had a record snowfall our first winter. We four Carter kids thought it was terrific – great sledding, snowman and snow fort building, etc. My parents had grown up in Buffalo, NY, so it didn’t bother them a bit, but oh those awful drivers, locals with little or no experience driving on snow or ice. I remember walking down Pennsylvania Ave. and then Constitution to the Capitol, holding hands, six across. Frozen noses, but what fun!

Enough wandering. I saw a wonderful cocktail napkin the last time I played bridge: “It’s tough to be nostalgic, when you can’t remember anything!” Pure nonsense, but it’s good to report that things are looking up after a really tough year. And March is only 2 days away!

Take care, and pass our good wishes along to all. We had a wonderful time at my 55th OWU reunion last May. The ties to that place and the friendships from there never diminish. I was filled with admiration for Pat Simpson and Phyl Thomas, both of whom came for the first time as widows, and had a wonderful time. A few tears, Pat confessed to me privately, but generally the mood for all was very positive and
uplifting. Bye for now.

Fondly, Ginger McClintock

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