Invitation to Attend Class of ’55 Golden Reunion

Dear Brothers:

As the December wind tears through bare trees here in Ohio, it is delightful to look forward to May 12-15 at OWU. The 50th reunion committee has sent you scads of information. I want to add my own request that you appear—with friend, spouse or by yourself. You will be welcomed with open arms and feel as if you are age 18 again. Where else can you go where people know so much about you and still love you?

Anne and I checked out the ’54 reunion this year. Annie and Paul Kisseberth chaired a wonderful event (with lots of rain). Their ulphur Spring project looked spectacular—even in the rain. Doug Dittrick described the entrance project that our class hopes to undertake. I urge you to send your contribution and then come to see the completed project.

Bring photos of your family for us to share together. Also send in your information for LeBijou, which we will all receive. Send your top ten memories to Maribeth as well. I started writing mine, and then a flood of memories began—some were happy; some were funny and many were downright embarrassing.

Do the picture and song sheet bring pleasant memories? We have been sorting through hundreds of slides taken from ’51-’55. Perhaps we can find a time to look back and maybe even sing some good songs.

Here are your individual jobs for a great celebration. (Check the mailing from Maribeth Graham):
1. Send memories to Maribeth.
2. Send pictures to Ray Dykes.
3. Send contribution to OWU and for our class project.

4. Send information to OWU for LeBijou.
5. Come!
Anne and I plan to be at OWU in May. I hope you will be too. Our email:
How would you like to be a Beta sweetheart?
How would you like to wear a Beta pin?
How would you like to gaze upon the diamond,
Gem of gems that ne’er grows dim?
How would you like to share a Beta friendship,
Friendship that will last through life?
How would you like to love a Beta always?
How would you like to be a Beta wife?
Words and Air by
CHI, 1912

Invitation to Attend Class of '55 Golden Reunion
Paul and Anne Nobis

Invitation to Attend Class of '55 Golden Reunion_1
1955 Beta Sweetheart Ceremony at 54 W. Lincoln.


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