Jack “Cousin” Mathews ’54

From his son, Craig, Sept. 14, 2012 …

Mr. Tatham, I don’t know if you’re around or still have this address, I thought I’d inform you my dad Jack just passed away. If you could inform anyone else who might want to know, that would be appreciated. You can reach me at 661-435-4183 …

Best wishes…
Craig Mathews, son

September 25, 2012 …
From: Craig Mathews craigmat99@aol.com

In an eMail responding to a note from W. D. Rich ’55 …

Dear Mr. Rich,
Thanks for the kind words. My dad always spoke glowingly about his experiences with all his fraternity brothers and cousins at Ohio Wesleyan. It is really special that all you guys have kept in contact through the years, and yes, I remember him going there almost 20 years ago for that reunion. The last week or so have not been easy, but just hearing from you guys is a big lift. The last year or so his quality of life was not good, and the effects of the treatments really took its toll. They were always able to keep the cancer confined, but at his age the body can only take so much. He basically lived over 5 years after the original diagnosis. We just received his ashes back yesterday, and my brother Jack, who was the one living with him, said one of his last wishes was to go to the ocean, so that is what we may do.

Thanks for your concern and it is greatly appreciated.

Craig Mathews, son

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