Jim Dailey ’56

Jim Dailey ’56 — Sorry to hear about Don (Jefferis). Makes you appreciate just getting old with the normal aches and pains. I’m at Indian Lake just about every weekend. That’s the best place to send my e-mail. The address is jldailey@charter.net. I’m still working 3 days a week. Go to Gallipolis on Monday evening. Stay at Super 8 now that I’ve sold my home down there. Come back to Columbus on Wednesday and work out of the Columbus office Thursday and then hide out at Russell’s Point for the weekend. I took the family to the Fiesta Bowl (Jan. 2003, National Championship game won by Ohio State U). Great game, fantastic weather. Like to have some of it here in Ohio. I will still try to get down your way sometime. Maybe you, me and Chester (Dan Wright ’56) can have lunch. We can stick him with the check. I hear about him from Jeff Maffat, CEO of Eaton Nation Bank. We do some things with them.

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