
The 1974 Ohio Wesleyan Lacrosse team has been greatly endowed by the Theta Chapter at OWU. There are presently 16 Betas competing for the lacrosse team. tsrothers Luke Tennis, John Hildebrand and John Narwicz have contributed greatly to the
team’s success. Brother Tennis led the Lacrosse team with 14 goals and 27 assists.

At the midfield, fhe Betas controled this position. Brothers Charles Hartigan and Gary Switala played first midfield and Brothers Manseim C., Narwicz, and Sargent played second midfield on what most lacrosse people say was the finest midfield in the Midwest. Brothers Bremmaman and Perkins have also showed great promise for the future.

At the Rear Guard, Brothers Pete Tracy and Tom Oberecht led the defense, with brother Brian Welsh pushing there two men to their outstanding play. In Goal is Scott Kean, as outstanding player who made the O.W.U. lacrosse season one of greatness. Although the O.W.U. team Eolowssli nthge midwesl championship to Green 13-11 the promise of the young team will yeild great gains in the future. Good luck next year and may more Betas do as well as these young men.

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