Brother Daniel B. Ventres, Jr. wrote a letter recently, telling of his whereabouts. “I am a law partner of Peter F. Greiner, ex-national president of Beta Theta Pi, and to my knowledge there are no other Theta Betas in the Minneapolis-Twin City area.
“Of further interest might be the fact that I was selected as one of the five swimming officials representing the United States at the Olympics conducted in Montreal last July.
“I am still flying the flag as a bird colonel in the Marine Corps Reserve and head a Law’Voluntary Training Unit for this part of the country.
“For fun and games I am a volunteer associate counsel for the Amateur Athletic Unior as well as being the vice-chairman of the Law and Legislation Committee of the Amateur Athletic Union. To fill the extra spare time, I am the chairman of the Amateur Athletic Union Age Group-JO Swimming Rules Committee.
“When those voluntary activities run out and when time allows I practice law to support the eating habit and am contributing to the educational systems with a daughter, Kathy, at Brown University in Providence and a son, Bill, starting his freshman year at Duke. My wife, Sally, and I keep an open door for travelers into our “Land of Ten Thousand Lakes” and I would enjoy hearing from other brothers.” The Ventres can be reached at his office, 670 Pillsbury Building, Minneapolis, Minn.
Editor’s Note: We thank Brother Ventres for his letter. Why don’t you write and tell us what you’re doing? We’ll publish your responses.
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