Miami Triad Main Winter Social Event

The Miami Ti lad was the major winter season social event for the undergraduates of Theta chapter.

Sponsored jointly with Sigma CM and Phi Delta Theta. the annual dance was held in Edwards Gymnasium on March 25th. The
gymnasium was decorated around the theme of “Holiday  Magazine.”

DONALD E. SMITH, 47, is a sales trainee with the Studebaker Corporation in South Bend, Indiana. Brother Smith writes “thanks for the most interesting copy of the THETA DATA. From all indications, you fellows are really enjoying. top spot on the campus.

D;NN C. MEEK, ’12. writes that he is still in the calendar manufacturing business in Coshocton., Ohio.

Ric HARD L. JOHNSoN, ’41. is a psychiatrist at the State Hospital at Lima and writes that he is spccializing.

criminal work. Brother John  son graduated from Ohio State University’s College of Medicine in 1944. He lives on the State Hospital grounds with his wife and two daughters.

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