Due to Ohio Wesleyan’s accelerated program, fraternities here held a rush week between semester for the first time. The university expected about 100 freshmen, mostly men, to enter at that time, since most Ohio high schools were allowing seniors to come to college after completing half of their senior year. They would be given their diplomas at the completion of the first semester in college.
However, there were only 60 men who took advantage of the opportunity. The Betas started rushing with the same enthusiasm that characterized fall rushing.
In the three day period, Theta chapter pledged five freshmen, and, in addition, several Delaware high school boys who will be coming to school next year. The five pledges gave the Betas the third largest class on the campus again.
The freshmen were: Jack Pocock, Dela ware; Donald Smith, Columbus: William Chcnault, De Graff; James Williams and Victor Medley, Newcomerstown. The Delaware high pledges are: Hal Fausnaugh, Dexter Rayle, James Johnson, and Al Long.
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