Morry Hollenbaugh ’49

Morry Hollenbaugh ’49 — March 2004 Dear Brothers in Theta Chapter, I just received my copy of the Theta Data and saw Kissy’s face staring at me on the front page. The last time I saw Kissy and Annie was at Bix Newhard’s ’53 “cabin” across the valley from us here in Snowmass, CO. I stood in my living room a few years ago and watched Bix’s old house burn down in a glorious blaze. The new house is a marked improvement.

Then I read the other stuff and saw in Ordway’s letter that Fred Olds was in Guthrie, OK. So I called him and talked for about an hour. We laughed about our hunting trips of old and how we made Skip Cheseldine ’50 sit in the back seat of my old ’27 Model T Ford and hold “Gizmo”, my Llewlyn Setter, on his lap. Fred sounds in fine fettle. Skip Cheseldine was then a pledge and we were just out of WWII and trying to get back into the college routine.

Then I called Skip down in Bonita Springs, FL and found he was still the same old Skip, thank God. I reminded him about Gizmo and we had a big laugh.

Skip is into fishing all over the World—Brazil, New Zealand, Canada, etc., and even had a stint out here in my fly fishing territory. Had I known that he was invading here I would have had the Sheriff run him out of Colorado. Then I received some fishing pictures of his exploits—probably posed catches taken from his guides to impress the peons. I told him that the last three times Phyllis and I were out trout fishing we got 39 but was reluctant to say that practically all of them were bigger than that trout he got out here.

In February, Evan Roderick ’51, Mick Musselman ’52 and Keith Gaspitch rendezvoused at Skip’s and Norm Slenker ’51 sneaked into that picture as well. Wish I had been there. The neighbors probably called the police because of the loud laughter disturbing the area. Theta Betas are like that when they get together.We’re out here in paradise and if any of you fly by this way we will be disappointed if you don’t drop in. Thanks for the Theta Data guys, it was refreshing.

Yours in —kai— Morry
Hollenbaugh (and Phyllis too)

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