Mystery Solved

Our recent mystery pictures from the sixties in the Spring,1974 issue of the Theta Data elicited various responses. Brother Bruce Crittenden ’57 had us dead to rights when he not only correctly identified the picture on page three but produced the May, 1962 issue of the Theta Data in which the answer can be found. Brother William M. Connor wrote in: “I was surprised to see my picture in this issue of the Theta Data and had fun identifying the other faces.” Bill’s picture was on page three, pictured along with him were Dick Slosek T. Clark Dove, Andy Feld, Jim Locke, John Neff and Keith Moore. The picture was a little fuzzy, but that didn’t stop Bill! He also correctly identified all the Brothers on page four. They are, in the first row, Don Cox, Andy Feld, Bruce McCamey, Dick Slosek, Vincent Murphy, Bob Moyers, Larry Hyman, Jim Charlesworth, Eli Short, Don Cox, John Entelis and in the top row, Bill Conner, Paul Belden, Dallas Frederick, Bruce Jarvis, Buzz Pine, Jock Miller, Dave Berger and Frank Szasz. Another Brother who shall be nameless also sent in the correct answer. This Brother is nameless because while he correctly got all the mysteries solved, he provided us with another when he did not include his name on the answer letter.

Several other such photos will be in this issue and we encourage all the brothers to continue to participate and join in the fun of guessing Who’s Who!

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