New Chapter Advisor and Assistant Advisor Named by President Marty Haskell

Dr. Anthony (Tony) Pedela, currently of “Westerville and a graduate of Case Western Reserve ’64, has been named Chapter Advisor.

“Tony is a semi-retired dentist with a good management and quality control background,’ noted Marty. He has extensive experience in quality audits of hundreds of dentist’s’ offices as a member of a quality assurance examination committee. He is an excellent communicator and embraces a management style that fits the needs of the chapter and the House Corporation. He is interested in working with young people at this stage of  life and can give the two-Three  nights per month which will be required this year.

Also announced is the appointment of Pat Puhl of Columbus as Assistant Advisor: he is a ‘99 graduate  of Bowling Green. Pat is recent past president and recruitment chair for the Bowling Green chapter. “In 1997-98 the Bowling Green chapter went through difficult times and Pat has been instrumental in turning that situation around, He understands the elements required for SUCCCESSFUL chapter Self governance and knows the general fraternity’s requirements and procedures. He will be a good source of tactical and technical information for the chapter,’

In his announcement of these two appointments. President Haskell stared,. “these two individuals will complement each other assets and skills and will provide Theta with excellent guidance and advice as we enter a  new school year and progress in the months ahead.

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