New Mexico Get – Together

By Jack Hahn’55

When we were undergraduates at OWU in Delaware during 1951, we really were not too sure what the distant future held for us. To think the three of us would again meet some 47 years later in a forest high on a rugged mountain in northern central New Mexico was not even in our farthest imagination.

Ken Rowley’55, Jack Hahn’55 and Bill Plavcan ’55 and their wives Sandra, judy and Becky did just that as we met for an evening for camaraderie and reminiscing at Ken’s beautiful house in the Sangre deCristo Mountains near Santa Fe. The air was cool, the food was great and the renewed fellowship was a wonderful experience for us all. We are all in the Theta directory, so if you happen to be near in our homes, give us a call and plan to visit. A note of caution though ; if you plan to visit Ken, you will need a four wheel drive “Humm-vee” to make it up his access road!

New Mexico Get Together

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