Scholarship, letters to home, regular sleeping hours and even camrns romances tool: a heating early in March as Theta united all efforts to scat their two candidates in topposts in the campus Student Body elections.
Al. Long was the candidate for the Student Body presidency and Dan Ransom was the chanter’s rliwninee for President of the Senior Class.
Committees Formed
Chairman Bill Long, of the Polideal Action committee took over the supervision of the campaigns with the assistance of chapter officers and each man in the house was assigned to a committee. The committee chairmen were sign making, Jim House; sign installation, Ned Speasmaker; open houses, Hank Anderson; and publicity, Bix Newhard.
Highlights of the campaign were a fifty-foot “Long” banner which hung from the Gray Chapel tower, stns in every strategic nook and corner on campus, two open houses, one of vhih was a Sunday morn ing breakfast attended by more than 200 women, and “button-hol ing” by every Theta Beta.
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