Pat Simpson ’54

Oh dear Tom,
How tardy I am—please excuse! Yes, we did return from almost 3 weeks of cruise and La Jolla and had a grand time. The weather did not cooperate but then in this part of the world we cannot even begin to complain about weather considering all you’ve been through. Due to being gone that long there has been a lot of catch up to do–plus out of town company, including fun and funny grand daughter, Allison 14, who was here for an active 4 days.

The tragedy (shooting of Congresswoman Gifford in 2011) here in Tucson has been traumatic. The 6 degrees of separation stories are many but the community has certainly come together in their concern, prayers, helpful gestures and so on. When it happens in your own “backyard” it seems even worse. It is sad also that politics had to be brought in with the blame going to the tea party and conservative media. The guy is crazy and who knows what set him off.

I loved receiving the early Theta Data and devoured every word! Enjoyed the Clint article, the pictures of the 50’s (my young Dee especially), the sad obit re Frank Dove (a special guy) and the Hahn letter. As well as all the rest even if I don’t know the names! I received it and the one you sent yesterday (both) easily. Maybe cuz we both have Macs. You have done your usual marvelous job and EVERYONE appreciates it soooo much. Thank you, thank you.

Besides battling the elements and editing I hope you and Jan have had a chance to go to Florida to thaw out! Hugs, Pat

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