Softball Tournament

This September 21, the Theta Chapter of Beta Theta Pi sponsored a philanthropic softball tournament to benefit Delaware Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Since this was our first sponsorship of a charity 1:11Clit on campus, we put a lot ofhaxd woti. limo making it a success. The tournament, held at Blue Limestone Park, ended up with six teams battling it out in a round-robin format. Teams from Beta, Phi Psi, Phi /Mt, Delt and ATO competed. Even though the two lkta teams Iiitcd to make the final game, everyone was en – thusiastic and had a good time.

Turnout from other houses VMS not asstrongaS we had hoped, but fin- i ts first year, the tournament was -a success. We raised $247 for Delaware Big Brothers/Big Sisters. The good will we engen – dered and attendant ice of fresh men at the tournament added to the value of the event. Beta hopes to make this an annual event that will become a leading fraternity philanthropy at Ohio Wesleyan. Our philanthropic efforts this fall further illustrate the commitment to overall chapter excel knee by the undergraduate brothers of the Theta chapter.

Softball Tournament

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