Steven E. Mirsky ’72

Tom —

I just picked up my January 2012 Theta Data and thought I would send some news before I forget as I have done many times in the 30+ years since I graduated in 1972. I wanted to report that a group of Betas, plus Delaware Ohio townies had a fun reunion in Las Vegas in October, along with wives/significant others. Along with myself, meeting for a spectacular weekend were; John Sacco ’72 and JR Mathews, Bob McCluskey and Bob Wahl (each of whom was a Beta either 70/71). With us that weekend were the three Shannon brothers; Don, George and Thom all of whom grew up in Delaware, Ohio and are sons of the former OWU basketball coach, Frank Shannon. Bob Wahl resides in Seattle; JR in Kitty Hawk, NC and Bob McC in Fairfax County, VA which is in the Washington DC Meto area along with me in Bethesda, MD.

John Sacco is an attorney residing in Las Vegas. He and his lovely wife hosted all of us the night we arrived for a great meal and drinks at one of his favorite eating establishments, Lucio Ristorante, where we spent most of the night enjoying ourselves and telling stories such that no one was interested in playing golf the next morning.

Your readers my also remember Jim Martin who was in my Beta pledge class but left OWU to graduate from LIU followed by U of Balt Law School. Jim works with me as an attorney in my Rockville and Frederick MD offices. Bumped into Jim Blumenthal ’72 last night (2/14/12 at the Giant Supermarket/Bethesda, MD buying a half gallon of ice cream). We had not seen each other in many years.

We get together along with some OWU Phi Delts for the Preakness Races the third Saturday in May every year, and I host a golf tournament at my club the Friday before the Saturday races. If anyone is interested, this is the 26th Annual — drop me a line or call. We are all addicted to golf, gambling and the ponies.

Regards to all.

“Murph”Steven E. Mirsky. LLC
401 N. Washington Street,
Suite 550
Rockville, Maryland 20850
301-332-6240 (cell)

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