Stanley Greets Theta’s ‘Youngest’

Robert H. Janbson, ’10

After serving as a civilian aidc to the Secretary of War during the war years, ROBERT H. JANBsoN, ’10, returned to his law office in Cleveland, Ohio.

Donald L. Rombns, ‘48

DONALD L. RomBNS, ‘48, is an engineer with the Northern States Power Comany and lives at 102 East 19th Street in Minneapolis. Brother Robbins is a member of the Nathmal Association of Professional Engineers.

Henry’s. Hubbaro, ’49

A supervisor of group sales lot the Lumbermen’s Mutual Casualty Company, HENRY S. HuBBARo, ’49, receives his mail at 516 E. Cassilly Street in Springfield, Ohio.

Arthur’s. Littick, ’16

The uncle of Theta chapter’s current president, Bill Littick, ARTHUR S. LITTICK, ’16, is a news  paper publisher and lives at 828 East Lincoln Street in Hoopeston, Illinois.

William C. Freeman, ’49

WILLIAM C. FREEMAN, ’49, is a teacher of English at the LaRue (Ohio) High School. In school, “Free” was the president of Theta chapter, and quite active in campus affairs.

Frederick A. Ows, ’47

FREolilucK A. Ows, ’47, is a teacher and coach tt the high school in Port Washington, New York. Brother Olds writes that he and his wife arc expecting a child in August of this year. He predicts that it will he a son.

Frank E. Hill ’32

Also in the neighboring state of Indiana is FRANK E. HILL ’32, who is an auditor with the Clipper Van Lines, Inc., with offices in Indian‑a polls.

Albert W. Younil 45

A lahorauify inspector with the, lohns Manville Production Corporation, ALBERT W. YOUNIL  45, now lives at 4031/2 South 12th Street in Richmond, Indiana.

Wayne J. Mcfarland, .49

WAYNE J. MCFARLAND, .49, is a student in the teachers college at Columbia University. Brodler ‘Tacky” and his wife, the former Marjorie Grange!, live at 600 West 113th Street in New York City.