James L. Kinney, ’32

JAMES L. KINNEY, ’32, reports that he has been a salesman in the lamp department of General Electric Company in St. Louis, Miss ouri for thc past 12 years. Brother Kinney resides at 6104 Wanda Avenue in St. Louis with his wife and two children.  

Stanley Speaks

Following the formal initiation, the new initiates were the guests of honor at a banquet at the Beta House. Theta’s oldest living aluminus, Welles Stanley delivered the main address.

Oldest Living Alumnus Is Lawyer In Cleveland

WELLES K. STANLEY, 95, the oldest living alumnus of Theta chapter, is still actively engaging in the practice of law in Cleveland, Ohio. The senior partner in the firm of Stanley, Smoyer and Schwartz, Brother Stanley was admitted to the Ohio Bar in 1901. In addition to his active law practice, he has been a memher of the Cuyahoga County Republican Executive Committee for […]

Craig Was First Reserve M. D. To Reach Admiral Rank

DR. WINCHELL McK. CRAIG, 15, now a surgeon at. the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, writes that he was the first reserve doctor in the Navy to he promoted to the rank of Rtar Admiral at the end of the recent war. Since his separation from the serivice in 1946, Admiral Craig has been retained in various capacities in the Navy and […]

Trophy-Snatching Prank Back fires

The undergraduates of  Theta have learned that it nays to burn the midnight oil, if for no other reason than to foil any .attempts to deprive the chapter of its hard earned trophies. Six Kappa Sigs from Ohio State decided that the early morning hours of March •9th would be an ideal time to “get revenge.” Early in the fall, some of […]

Miami Triad Main Winter Social Event

The Miami Ti lad was the major winter season social event for the undergraduates of Theta chapter. Sponsored jointly with Sigma CM and Phi Delta Theta. the annual dance was held in Edwards Gymnasium on March 25th. The gymnasium was decorated around the theme of “Holiday  Magazine.” DONALD E. SMITH, 47, is a sales trainee with the Studebaker Corporation in South […]

Delaware Alumni Organizing Club

“The organization of the Beta alumni .association in Delaware, Ohio is steadily progressing,” writes MORRIS HOLLENBAUGH, 49 , who is now business manager for Hardy Motors and also associated with the Mla Ware Gas Company. “The first ‘ice-breaker’ letter has hen sent out:: continues Brother “Morry,” “and a number of Brothers have replied. We have well over thirty potential members in this […]

Open Houses, Breakfast, Signs Highlight Political Campaign

Scholarship, letters to home, regular sleeping hours and even camrns romances tool: a heating early in March as Theta united all efforts to scat their two candidates in topposts in the campus Student Body elections. Al. Long was the candidate for the Student Body presidency and Dan Ransom was the chanter’s rliwninee for President of the Senior Class. Committees Formed Chairman […]

Bix Newhard ’52 . . . Editor

News and picture contributions are solicited at all times. Address all communications to the Editor, Beta Theta Pi, 54 West Lincoln’ Street, Delaware, Ohio.

The Theta Data

Published regularly and frequently by the undergraduate members of  Theta chapter of Beta Theta Pi for their alumni and friends.